14 Mart 2016 Pazartesi

Korunmuş Tavan ( Van Allen Belt )

Enbiya 21/31 - Ve (1) cealna (2) fi (3) el (4) ARDI (5) ravasiye (6) en (7) temide (8) bi (9) him (10) ve (11) cealna (12) fı (13) ha (14) ficacen (15) sübülen (16) lealle (17) hüm (18) yehtedun (19) ( Ve YERİN içinde, onları sarsmasın diye dağlar oluşturduk. Ve onun içinde geniş yollar oluşturduk. Umulur ki onlar yönlenirler. )

Enbiya 21/32 - Ve (20) cealna (21) es (22) SEMAE (23) sakfen (24) mahfuza (25) ve (26) hüm (27) an (28) ayati (29) ha (30) mu'ridun (31) ( Ve GÖĞÜ korunmuş çatı, tavan kıldık. Onlar O’nun ayetlerinden yüz çevirip dönenlerdir. ) 

21/31 kodlu ayetteki 5. kelime olan «Ard» ( Yer ) kelimesinden, bu ayeti tamamlayan 21/32 kodlu ayette, korunmuş tavan olarak tasvir edilen ve 23. kelime olan «Sema» ( Gök ) kelimesine kadar, «Ard» ve «Sema» kelimeleri dahil olmak üzere toplam 19 kelime bulunmaktadır.
* Manyetosfer, Güneş Rüzgarı adı verilen Güneş kökenli hızlı parçacıkların oluşturduğu, plazma akımının saptırılarak engellendiği dış tabakadır.

* Yerküre’nin yüzeyinden, atmosferin son katmanı olan Manyetosfer’deki Outer Van Allen Belt ( Dış Van Allen Kemeri )’ ne olan uzaklık 19,000 km.’dir.
Evaluating The Threat From Earth's Radiation Belts
American physicist Dr. James van Allen first discovered the Earth's radiation belts in 1958. His experiment flew on the first U.S. artificial satellite, Explorer 1, which was launched on 31 January 1958. There are two main belts of high energy charged particles. These particles spiral around magnetic field lines between the Earth's magnetic poles. The outer belt, which mainly contains electrons from the solar wind, lies between 13,000 and 19,000 km above the Earth. The inner belt (generally about 4,000 km above the Earth) mainly contains protons from the radioactive decay of neutrons and cosmic rays. The behaviour of the particles in the van Allen belts is influenced by the level of solar activity.
The outer belt, which mainly contains electrons from the solar wind, lies between 13,000 and 19,000 km above the Earth. The inner belt (generally about 4,000 km above the Earth) mainly contains protons from the radioactive decay of neutrons and cosmic rays. The behaviour of the particles in the van Allen belts is influenced by the level of solar activity.
Facts And Information About The Van Allen Radiation Belt
Beltlike Structure

Earth's magnetic field interacts with highly energized particles from space, and with some particles actually formed within the magnetic field. Particles from the solar wind, on the other hand, are deflected by Earth's magnetic field. The solar wind compacts the part of the torus-shaped magnetic field facing the Sun. The part opposite the Sun is elongated. An inner belt, elevation about 2,000 to 5,000 km, contains protons and atoms stripped of their electrons. The outer radiation belt (about 13,000 to 19,000 km) is rich in electrons coming from the magnetic tail of Earth’s magnetosphere. The particle-rich portion of the magnetic field is from about 20 degrees below to 20 degrees above the geomagnetic equator.

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